The functions exported from this module generate different types of emails depending on their purpose.
They all need information contained in the "email_info" JSON objects.
- Version:
- 0.0.2
The email_info JSON needs to reflect this format in order to be properly parsed:
{ "patient": { "patient_no": "P799886", "patient_name": "Bruce", "patient_surname": "Wayne", "patient_email": "", "patient_phone": null, "hospital_id": 551, "carer_id": null, "additional_info": null }, "test": { "test_id": 1, "patient_no": "P799886", "due_date": date_obj, //a date object "frequency": "4-W", "occurrences": 9, "completed_status": "yes", "completed_date": date_obj, //a date object "notes": null }, "hospital": { "hospital_id": 551, "hospital_name": "Gotham City Hospital", "hospital_email": "", "hospital_phone": null } "user":{ "username": "admin" "new_password": "newpassword123" "recovery_email": "" } }
<inner> beautifyDate(date)
Beautify a date object as a readable string of "1st October 2020" format
Name Type Description date
date the date object to be beautified Returns:
the beautified date- Type
- string
<async, inner> generateRecoveryEmailBody(contentConfiguration)
Generates the body of the email according to the content configuration.
Name Type Description contentConfiguration
JSON format: { "subject": "", "mainBody": "", }, -
<async, inner> generateReminderBody(contentConfiguration)
Generates the body of the email according to the content configuration.
Name Type Description contentConfiguration
JSON format: { "subject": { "title": "", "appendDate": true|false }, "mainBody": "", "details": { "includePatientNo": true|false, "includePatientName": true|false, "includePatientContact": true|false, "includeDueDate": true|false } }, -
<inner> getFooter()
Get mjml code describing common footer of emails
mjml code describing common footer of emails- Type
- string
<inner> getHead(the)
Get mjml code describing common head of emails
Name Type Description the
title title of the html document Returns:
mjml code describing common head of emails- Type
- string
<inner> getLogo()
Get mjml code for image at the top of emails
mjml code for image at the top of emails- Type
- string
<async, inner> overdueTestReminderForCarer(email_info)
Return html for an email containing info about a test which is overdue for a patient.
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. Returns:
html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient- Type
- string
<async, inner> overdueTestReminderForHospital(email_info)
Return html for an email containing info about a test which is overdue for a patient.
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. Returns:
html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient- Type
- string
<async, inner> overdueTestReminderForPatient(email_info)
Return html for an email containing info about a test which is overdue for a patient.
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. Returns:
html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient- Type
- string
<async, inner> passwordRecoveryEmail(email_info)
Return html for an email containing info about a new password which is generated for a User.
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. Returns:
html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient- Type
- string
<async, inner> testReminderForCarer(email_info)
Generate an email aimed at carers which reminds of a blood test due for a patient
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. -
<async, inner> testReminderForHospital(email_info)
Generate an email aimed at hospitals which reminds of a blood test due for a patient of theirs
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. -
<async, inner> testReminderForPatient(email_info)
Return html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient.
Name Type Description email_info
JSON the json containing info needed to generate the email. For format info look at the module's documentation. Returns:
html for an email containing info about a test which is due for a patient- Type
- string